Ave Maria


William Copper


Chorus SATB a cappella

Double Chorus SATB-SSAB a cappella

Perusals and recordings below

Setting of the Ave Maria for singing in Just Intonation. Medium difficulty, no extreme ranges, no divisi.

By the composer of Lovelife Dances and Magnificat

                    (Word by word translation)
    Ave Maria                Hail Mary 
    gratia plena             [with] grace filled
    Dominus tecum            the Lord [is] with you
    Benedicta tu             Blessed [are] you
    Et benedictus            And blessed
    Fructus ventris tui.     [Is] the fruit of the womb of you. 

    Sancta Maria             Holy Mary 
    Mater Dei                Mother of God
    Ora pro nobis            Pray for us 
    Peccatoribus             Sinners
    Nunc et in               Now and in 
    Hora mortis nostrae.     The hour of the death of us.

Editions Available

Score title page HGI 0290 Copper/
Ave Maria
Chorus SATB a cappella $3.99
HGI 0537 Copper/
Ave Maria
Double Chorus SATB-SSAB a cappella $3.20
#0290 SATB a cappella
(Perusal, PDF)


Copyright 2024 William P. Copper

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